Hello there! Today, I wanted to share some of the new things I have started this year that have been a lifesaver! In the mornings we do a structured center rotation. Students are given choices of what they want to work for and then are broken up into groups of two. Each group is then given a center stick (paint stick) with the order of the three centers they must complete to receive the reward. The centers are ran by myself and my two assistants.
The stations include literacy, art and these cookie sheet activities. I will go into the other center activities on a later post. I run the literacy center and below you will see the visual schedule that is in place for that center. We start out with greeting our friends followed by the calendar. Each group of students is working on different areas of the calendar so it makes it easier to work on those skills in smaller groups. As we finish each section, I close it and they say "all done". They love this part! :) We also cover the letter of the week, story, and some sort of game or file folder activity that relates to the story or theme.
The students have really responded to both of these tools. It gives them an idea of what we have to accomplish before they can rotate to the next center.
I would love to hear how you structure your centers and/or rotations!! Thank you for stopping by!